Going to the Hospital? Here’s what to take with you

10 Things to Bring to the Hospital
1) Comfortable PJs
While you’ll often have to change into a hospital gown, you can generally wear soft PJ pants and sometimes switch into a tank top. It’s nice to have some of your own clothes with you, and bringing PJs you can wear is a great way to do that.
2) A Paperback
Hospitals are pretty boring! Having a physical copy of a paperback book is a great way to pass the time so bring some light reading with you!
3) Candy!
Hospital food isn’t the greatest, and I find that my blood sugar drops easily when I’m in the hospital. Having some candy with you, sour gummy bears for example, is wonderful for munching on!
4) A Water Bottle
Nurses don’t always have the time to bring you water quickly, so bringing a full water bottle with you and having nurses fill up your water bottle when they have time can help ensure that you’re never feeling thirsty for long.
5) Phone + Phone Charger
This one is pretty self-explanitory but I always forget my charger! If possible bring an extra long cord or a portable battery because hospital plugs are often hard to access.
6) Headphones and/or Foam Earplugs
Hospitals can be pretty loud! I like to listen to music to help block out other noises and let me relax/sleep. If you prefer just more silence I recommend bringing along multiple pairs of foam earplugs instead.
7) Hair Ties
With all the wires that are going to be attached to you, you’re going to want your hair out of the way so bring some ties! If you have shorter hair, consider bringing a headband or bobby pins.
8) A Laptop
While hospital Wi-Fi can be pretty spotty, having your laptop with you will let you watch any pre-downloaded movies, play computer games, or use other programs.
9) Any Daily Prescriptions
If you take meds daily, make sure you bring them with you! The hospital won’t always have what you need on hand! If you can, bring them in their prescription bottles! Your nurses will thank you!
10) A Journal
Hospital stays can be pretty depressing and emotionally difficult experiences. I recommend taking a journal of some sort with you to help you work through you feelings and the experiences you’re going through.

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